Thursday, July 27, 2017

Michigan Ross MBA Admissions Event in Tokyo on August 21, 2017

I received the posting below regarding an upcoming Michigan Ross MBA event in Tokyo. Details below!

John Couke

Michigan Ross 入学審査官による学校説明会 8/21開催

来る821日(月)、University of Michigan Ross School of BusinessAdmissions OfficeによるFull-time MBAの公式説明会を開催いたします。
#1 in Top Leadership Development Programs by Leadership Excellence
#8 in Full-time MBA Ranking by Business Week
#1 in Top Schools for Sustainability by Business Week
#1 in Ranking of Best Graduate Programs for Entrepreneurship
 by Princeton Review
#4 for Management, #5 for Marketing, #6 for International Business in US News MBA Rankings
#3 for Corporate Strategy, #5 for CSR / Ethics in Financial Times MBA Rankings
在校生は優秀かつ協力的であり、Globalなネットワークを広げられる素晴らしい環境です。また、Ann Arborは非常に治安のよい街で、パートナーズクラブや教育施設も充実しており、ご家族でいらっしゃる方々も安心して生活することができます。今回の説明会ではAdmission Officerに加え卒業生・在校生も多数参加予定ですので、是非ともこの機会にRossの魅力を感じていただき、ネットワーキングしていただければと思います。
説明会終了後に、Admission Officerと卒業生も参加する懇親会も予定しておりますので、奮ってご参加下さい。
Ross School of Business Tokyo Information Session
場所:六本木アカデミーヒルズ スカイスタジオ
東京都港区六本木6丁目101 六本木ヒルズ森タワー49

Monday, July 24, 2017

IESE Events in Tokyo during summer and fall 2017

I was recently informed by a current student of several upcoming events involving the IESE MBA program - a coffee chat, an information session and a counseling day among others. Details in Japanese follow and as well you can click here.

John Couke

IESE Business Schoolでは、夏季期間、下記の通り東京/大阪にてアプリカントの皆様向けに各種イベントを実施しますので、ふるってご参加ください。詳細は下記ページをご確認ください。

1. Meet the IESE Students: コーヒーチャット
日時: 8/6 (日) 10:15-12:30
10:15 受付開始
10:30 在校生によるIESE Business Schoolの紹介
10:50 在校生とのチャット
12:30 閉会
場所: TKP赤坂駅カンファレンスセンター カンファレンスルーム 14A
注記: 夏季休暇で一時帰国中の在校生4-5名により開催されます。

2. MBA Information Session: 学校説明会
日時: 9/1 (金) 18:45-21:00
18:45 受付開始
19:15 Admissions OfficerによるIESE Business Schoolの紹介
19:45 質疑応答
20:00 卒業生によるパネルディスカッション
21:00 閉会
場所: 六本木アカデミーヒルズ
注記: パネルディスカッションには、プロフィール属性の異なる卒業生4-5名が登壇する予定です。

3. MBA Counseling Day
IESE Class of 2016の卒業生でもあるAdmissions Officerが、プログラム、学校生活、キャリア機会、アドミッションプロセス等、幅広く個別の疑問にお応えします(30分、日本語可、参加登録後自動返信されるメールよりスロット予約)。
a. 大阪
日時: 7/23(日)14:00-18:30
場所: ウェスティン大阪ロビーラウンジ
b. 東京
日時: 7/19(水)15:00-21:30、8/22(火)15:00-21:30、9/4(月)15:00-21:30、9/10(日)10:30-19:30
場所: 六本木アカデミーヒルズ IESE東京オフィス

Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Cambridge Judge MBA Event in Tokyo August 8th 2017

Representatives of the Cambridge Judge MBA program will be hosting an information session in Tokyo on August 8th, 2017. More details as well as the registration form can be found here.

John Couke

Monday, July 10, 2017

Chicago Booth Alumni Club of Japan to Host Information Session in Tokyo

Hello all, I received the information below from a recent graduate of the Chicago Booth MBA program regarding an upcoming information session hosted by the Chicago Booth Alumni Club of Japan on Sunday July 30th 2017 in Tokyo. More information below.

John Couke

Chicago Booth Alumni-Hosted Information session

Sunday, July 30, 2017 at 9:30 AM until 12:00 AM (Reception opens at 9:10 AM)

Tokyo Nihonbashi Tower 5F
2-7-1 Nihonbashi, Chuo-ku
Tokyo 103-0027

Join alumni for an information session in Tokyo. Hear the unique stories of our alumni keynote speakers Mr. Masaru Kato, ’82, former CFO of Sony Corporation, and Mr. Hirokazu Morita, ’13, co-founder CEO of Fm Inc. In addition to the keynote addresses, Booth alumni and incoming students from various fields will answer questions from attendees. This information session will be held in Japanese.

"The Booth MBA doesn't teach you what to think, it teaches you how to think. If you know how to think, no matter what problem you have at hand, you are going to be able to solve it."
 Guillaume Piard, ’15, Founder and CEO, Nalo

Keynote speakers

Masaru Kato, ’82, Chairman of Sony Music Foundation and former CFO of Sony Corporation
During his business career at Sony extending over 38 years, Mr. Kato served various positions including board director, representative corporate executive officer and vice chairman of the Sony group.

Hirokazu Morita, ’13, co-founder CEO of Fm Inc.
After working at METI (Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry), Mr. Morita co-founded Fm Inc., which develops rental and sales service of contemporary art and cloud service of 3D VR.

Alumni and incoming students from various fields including, manufacturing, IT, education and finance (banking, investment management, and private equity) will join the conversation.



Yugo Fujinami, ‘14
Yuri Hamamura, ‘16
Nobu Kawai, ‘17 (Inquiry)